Ambassador Program enters 4th Stage
Wow, what an amazing run it has been for the first three stages of our Ambassador Program. So many smart, talented participants created brilliant content, answered, questions, and split $7,500 in $DEXE as a reward for their great work. Let’s keep it going one last time!
This just shows how active and invested in success our DAO is. Keeps getting better and better. This last round we will run together with and their community of brave Samurai community members. So the tasks and questions will be both about DeXe and Kattana.
Quick review of Stage 3:
- The focus was on original content
- Over 3500 pieces of original content submitted
- 6500+ Gleam tasks completed
- 200+ contributors
- Ambassador Program participants actively helped community members
- The winners of Stage 3 will receive the role of Dexe Hero (if they don’t already have it)
And now, the final stage of our first-ever DAO member created Ambassador Program. Stage 4: Pretty much anything goes: translations, art, video, memes — show us your DeXe creativity!
To register, one must fill out this form and subscribe to the Dexe Network Discord server, where one can receive one of the following roles:
- dexer — assigned to everyone who filled out the Ambassador Program form and the task completion form.
- dexe hero — assigned to active users as determined by their high rank at the end of previous stages of the program, by their answering questions in chats, and other activity measures.
- dexe guru — assigned to Telegram and Discord moderators as well as to active DAO members
Your role will not affect the number of points you receive in the program but could open up a path to various perks and privileges down the line.
This stage will include:
- Gleam tasks
- Creation of original content
- Translations
- Answering chat questions (keep an eye on our Discord)
- Additional tasks to be announced
Each type of content (original content/translation) has its own form.
You can submit the following types of original content:
- Blog/Article
- Video (animation, description of what DeXe is all about)
- Video (deep dive, educational)
- Infographics
- Stickers
- HD wallpaper
- GIFs
- Art (DeXe-themed)
Content requirements:
- Content must be published on any popular media platform
- Participants must tweet about their content from their Twitter account, adding #DeXeNetwork & #Ambassadors
- Content must focus on the DeXe Network; at the very least, DeXe must be meaningfully discussed in it.
- Original content can be in any language (but needs to really be original, not a translation)
Evaluation criteria for original content submissions:
- Content quality
- How well it meets requirements
- The accuracy of presented information
- Creativity
- How well does the content inform the audience about DeXe
- Reach (both in the overall size of the audience and the number of social networks it’s on)*
A piece of original content can earn you up to 400 points based on the above criteria.
You can submit the following types of translations:
- Translations of the DeXe Network Medium articles
- Translations of our social media posts
- Translations of our videos (such as AMAs); you will need to create a transcript as well
Translation requirements:
- Only accepting translations of articles published in 2022 and beyond, nothing published earlier.
- Article translations must be published on Medium or another popular media platform to be accepted.
- Translation must include a link to the original article.
- Participants must tweet about their content from their Twitter account, adding #DeXeNetwork & #Ambassadors
- Translations must be true to the original and not distort the content.
- Any language is accepted (other than the one it was originally published in).
Evaluation criteria:
- Quality of translation
- How well it meets requirements
- Formatting consistency with the original
- Reach (both in the overall size of the audience and the number of social networks it’s on)*
*You can send the same translation to multiple social networks and note that in the submission form.
A translation can earn you up to 250 points based on the above criteria.
Reward distribution
Rewards are distributed within 3–5 days after the end of each 30-day stage. Prizes are awarded in $DEXE in the BEP-20 chain to the address each participant indicated in the Google Form.
Top 20 finishers at each stage will be eligible for prizes
The prize pool for each stage is to be divided as follows:
1–4 place
- $500 (165 DEXE)**
- $300 (100 DEXE)
- $200 (65 DEXE)
- $150 (50 DEXE)
5- 13 place — $100 each (33 DEXE)
14–20 place — $50 each (16 DEXE)
**Fixed at $3 per $DEXE at the moment of withdrawing the prize pool $DEXE funds from the DAO treasury.
Good luck to all participants. This Ambassador Program was created by a DAO member, upvoted and passed by DAO members, and is a chance for community members to profit while creating content about a project you already love. This is our chance to show the world why everyone should be as excited for DeXe!
As a DAO, we operate on principles of individual responsibility and collective mutual respect. As such, any cheating or other behaviors that violate the spirit of the Ambassador Program and of our DAO may disqualify participants from receiving any benefits of task completion. DAO members can at any time submit proposals to punish perceived violators of DAO principles and program integrity. And the DAO team may, in certain circumstances, act to protect the integrity of the Ambassador Program and of the Dexe DAO. So please, don’t go there.
If you have any quesitons, please ask our moderators.
Stay tuned!
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