Wallet-to-Wallet copying v2.1
Our Wallet-to-Wallet Copying tool is already a community favorite. We could’ve just left it as is, but… we’re a DAO and it’s important to improve everything we create together — community impact + developer skills = magic.
This time, the magic is pretty straightforward: we take the W2W that traded via one AMM and give users a W2W that trades via two AMMS. That’s right: from now on, W2W will automatically find the best price between 1inch and Uniswap. Because for a profitable trade, even the tiniest price difference can make an impact.
Another cool update is that W2W will now download all notifications. So users can get notified about any of your trades and always have access to notifications. It’s nice to know that a followed wallet is producing active trades, right?
Giving our community great social trading tools and making them even better is the Dexe Network’s way of bringing DeFi mainstream adoption to the mainstream. With such easy-to-use and obviously beneficial tool as Wallet-to-Wallet Copying, who wouldn’t want to give it a spin?
How to turn on Telegram notifications
- Find the “Connect Telegram” button
2. Click the “Start” button in Telegram
That’s all. You will now receive notifications of your copy transactions in your Telegram account.
About DeXe
Dexe.network is a decentralized social trading platform that operates via autonomous smart contracts and includes tools for virtual currency allocation and automatic rebalancing. It eliminates the risks of transferring digital wallet details such as private keys and API or any virtual currency data to a third party. Most importantly, the DeXe Network connects successful traders and followers in a transparent, verifiable way for the benefit of both groups.
Stay tuned for more with us!
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